Posted on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 01:16:58 +0900
プロセス管理用スーパーサーバであるところの、 Supervisor につきまして、Zsh補完関数を作成したことを報告いたします。
hhatto / zshcompfunc4supervisor / overview — Bitbucket
$ supervisorctl <Tab>
add -- Activates any updates in config for process/group
avail -- Display all configured processes
clear -- Clear process/multiple-process/all-process log files
fg -- Connect to a process in foreground mode
help -- Show help
maintail -- tail of supervisor main log file
open -- Connect to a remote supervisord process. (for UNIX domain socket,
pid -- Get the PID of supervisord.
quit exit -- Exit the supervisor shell.
reload -- Restart the remote supervisord.
remove -- Removes process/group from active config
reread -- Reload the daemon's configuration files
restart -- Restart process or group.
shutdown -- Shut the remote supervisord down.
start -- Start process or groups.
status -- Get process status info.
stop -- Stop process or group.
tail -- tail of process stdout
update -- Reload config and add/remove as necessary
version -- Show the version of the remote supervisord process
$ supervisorctl status <Tab>
celeryd photon
よければ使ってみてください。 楽しいサーバ管理ライフを!!